5.1a For an 18-hole Score
An 18-hole Score Differential is calculated as follows and rounded to the nearest tenth, with .5 rounded upwards:
Note: The PCC adjustment ranges from -1.0 to +3.0 (see Rule 5.6 Playing Conditions Calculation). |
Incomplete 18-hole Round If fewer than 18 holes have been played but more than 9 holes, an 18-hole score is only acceptable for handicap purposes if the reason for not completing the round was considered valid (see Rule 3.2 When a Hole is Not Played).
For an 18-hole score to be acceptable for handicap purposes over a course which consists of fewer than 18 holes, a Course Rating and Slope Rating must be issued over 18 designated holes. The calculation of an 18-hole Score Differential is carried out using the normal procedures as set out within the Rules of Handicapping.